
Single log out is on by default (this is the case in 5.x.), and the default 
conditions are: LOGOUT_URL is the one that was used during login, back channel 
is default LOGOUT_TYPE.

These log configs may help (they may be different in 4.x):

        <!-- DEBUG service status and logout process and a lot of details -->
        <AsyncLogger name="org.apereo.cas.logout" level="info" />
        <!-- INFO  Performing logout operations for [TGT-...]
                   [number] logout requests were processed
             DEBUG ST, principal and URL -->
        <AsyncLogger name="org.apereo.cas.logout.DefaultLogoutManager" 
                <ThresholdFilter level="INFO" onMatch="ACCEPT" 
onMismatch="NEUTRAL" />
                <RegexFilter regex="Captured logout request.*" 
onMismatch="DENY" />
        <!-- DEBUG Logout request will be sent to but does not print anything 
when login was through SAML 1.1 -->
level="warn" />
        <!-- DEBUG preparing, processing and logout with URL and ST -->
level="debug" />
        <!-- DEBUG SAML logout payload -->
name="org.apereo.cas.logout.SamlCompliantLogoutMessageCreator" level="warn" />


On Fri, 2018-12-07 at 14:06 -0800, Yan Zhou wrote:

I am under the impression that, if I type /cas/logout in browser, it logs me 
out of CAS, then, CAS goes through all services, look for LOGOUT_URL and 

Any service has a LOGOUT_URL and LOGOUT_TYPE defined (e.g., Back Channel), CAS 
will POST to that URL.

Is that how it works?  But, I do not see it happening.  I am running CAS 4.1.x 


Ray Bon
Programmer analyst
Development Services, University Systems
2507218831 | CLE 019 | r...@uvic.ca

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