I ran across this too. I had to add the gradle linkage for simple MFA to get around this.

compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-simple-mfa:${project.'cas.version'}"

Not sure why, but I did.


On 2019-11-06 2:28 a.m., Andy Ng wrote:
Hi all,

In my quest to test out some CAS authentication, I stumble across *Radius Authentication*: https://apereo.github.io/cas/6.1.x/mfa/RADIUS-Authentication.html and want to try it out. I am using CAS 6.1.x

I used freeradius docker varience (https://hub.docker.com/r/freeradius/freeradius-server), and setup a very simple testing config with a single user (i.e. bob),

bob    Cleartext-Password := "hello"

client dockernet {
    ipaddr =
    secret = testing123

and configure CAS using:

  client.sharedSecret: testing123
  client.inetAddress: my.radius.server

_build.gradle dependency:_
compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-radius:${project.'cas.version'}"

But was greeted with the following error:

_Error Log_
2019-11-06 04:15:20,417 INFO [org.apereo.cas.authentication.PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager] - <Authenticated principal [bob] with attributes [{EAP-Message=[[Binary Data (length=22)]], Message-Authenticator=[[Binary Data (length=16)]], State=[[Binary Data (length=16)]]}] via credentials [[UsernamePasswordCredential(username=bob, source=null, customFields={})]].> 2019-11-06 04:15:20,423 INFO [org.apereo.inspektr.audit.support.Slf4jLoggingAuditTrailManager] - <Audit trail record BEGIN
WHO: bob
WHAT: Supplied credentials: [UsernamePasswordCredential(username=bob, source=null, customFields={})]
WHEN: Wed Nov 06 04:15:20 GMT 2019

*2019-11-06 04:15:20,434 ERROR [org.apereo.cas.adaptors.radius.web.flow.RadiusAccessChallengedMultifactorAuthenticationTrigger] - <No multifactor authentication providers are available in the application context>* 2019-11-06 04:15:20,434 WARN [org.apereo.cas.web.flow.resolver.impl.DefaultCasDelegatingWebflowEventResolver] - <1 errors, 0 successes> org.apereo.cas.authentication.AuthenticationException: 1 errors, 0 successes

Despite the Authentication success shown above, I was greeted with error related to MFA.

My question is follows:
- Is there any misconfiguration from me above? Seems unlikely since I did correctly see  AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS and didn't setup MFA. - If my config is OK, is this true that Radius Authentication needs MFA in order to work? Is that intended behavior? - If no, then would need to look into why Radius Authentication is linked together with MFA inseparably.


- Andy

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