
Seems almost like your "issue" with the mysterious tight linkage to MFA and Radius and this are related.

Is there a way to enable MFA radius but have it behave as a single factor?

Side note is there a way using Radius Authentication to dynamically add a realm identifier to the users provided userID on a user by users basis..


On 2019-11-07 4:57 a.m., Andy Ng wrote:

Hi Colin,

I have take a look into your problem, which is using *Radius Authentication a*nd *LDAP *attribute, and LDAP attribute don't come up.

I am using CAS 6.1.1 + Freeradius + OpenLDAP as demo, but I think the solution should be applicable to CAS 6.0 and other technology as well.

Before going for the fix, I did some research and deducing:
- LDAP Attribute + other authentication *do work* (e.g. JSON / REST) ....
- So the problems seems to be *Radius Authetication*
- I am suspecting that, because Radius Authentication is so deeply coupled with MFA, if we don't enabled MFA Radius will have weird behavior.

After some trail and error, here what I did to make LDAP attribute appears:

- In here

Change it to

plan.registerAuthenticationHandlerWithPrincipalResolver(radiusAuthenticationHandler(), defaultPrincipalResolver.getObject());

And add defaultPrincipalResolver back to the file:
private ObjectProvider<PrincipalResolver> defaultPrincipalResolver;

And... after that change, as you can see in the below capture, I can login with Radius Authentication and also output LDAP Attribute.
Annotation 2019-11-07 173857.png

I am using hard coded method to fix the above, you should use more elegant way to fix it, or better yet submit a PR to CAS to fix the source of problem :)

If you have docker installed, I have also a github branch here:

Which contain the fixed version demo for your testing.

You can see the demo after cloning the above repository, and execute the below Command to generate the demo: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./source/authentication/freeradius/docker-compose.yml -f ./source/authentication-attribute/openldap/docker-compose.yml -f ./source/client/phpcas/docker-compose.yml -f ./source/service-registry/json-1001/docker-compose.yml up

Go to *Total Mail Defense warning: numerical links are often malicious:* <>

Should see the result

See if the above helps you...

- Andy

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