
I tried this approach to this but I keep getting a too many re-directs error. I'm new'ish to Spring Security so maybe I'm missing something.

But basically I see the "DynamicRedirectCasAuthenticationEntryPoint" being processed in every request the first time through it I'm intercepting


Then in my overridden entrypoint I'm changing the serviceURL to be https://host/desktop?parameter=one which in turn redirects me to CAS where I authenticate against a service that matches /desktop?parameter=one, per your code hint.

But as far as I can tell it then redirects me back to https://host/desktop?parameter=one&ticket=xxxxx but seems to treat this like a new request and sends me back to CAS - CAS does not in turn prompt be to authenticate again - but returns to the application again but with


then on and on each time getting a new ticket parameter.

It's almost like it's treating the new ticket string as not matching the original dynamically modified service string but upon taking me to CAS  it SSO's me but with a different ticket and around and around we go.

I was under the impression that the serviceURL definition in the Service definition of the authenticationEntryPoint was to match a service policy in CAS, and then CAS would SSO it to other URL's that are behind the .authenticated() filters of Spring SecurityConfig...but it's seems to want to go validate very string permutation.

Thoughts, what blindingly obvious thing am I missing :-).

Here is the SecurityFilter as an aside:

/protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {//
//      http//
//        .authorizeRequests()//
//        .authenticated()//
//        .and()//
//        .authorizeRequests()//
//        .regexMatchers("/")//
//        .permitAll()//
//        .and()//
//        .httpBasic()//
//        .and()//
//        .logout().logoutSuccessUrl("/logout")//
//        .and()//
//        .addFilterBefore(singleSignOutFilter, CasAuthenticationFilter.class)//
//        .addFilterBefore(logoutFilter, LogoutFilter.class);//
//    }/
Thank's in Advance.


On 2019-12-19 2:35 a.m., Cemal Önder wrote:
Yes I had that problem too when I want to create generic library that serves as helper to make my microservices CASify. Here is a solution: Spring Security CAS calls createServcieUrl of CasAuthenticationEntryPoint before every request. This is the place where serviceProperites are used for redirection. You can overwrite ServiceProperties with your dynamically created url here. But keep in mind that neither I like this solution but no choice because of ServiceProperties requires URL on startup which you mentioned.

public class DynamicRedirectCasAuthenticationEntryPointextends 
   // ...

    @Override protected String createServiceUrl(final HttpServletRequest 
request,final HttpServletResponse response )
       // here set your new serviceProperties based on the request etc. with 
your business logic
       this.setServiceProperties( serviceProperties );
       return super.createServiceUrl( request, response );
   // ...

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