> I would like to add my cas.properties file for a standalone deployment to 
> source control. I'd like to know if there is a way to put certain settings 
> that would necessarily be different between our dev & prod environments 
> someplace external to the main properties file so I don't need to maintain 
> the common properties in multiple places. An example of one of the 
> properties I'd like to manage this way is 
> cas.ticket.registry.hazelcast.cluster.members.

You need to use deployment profiles.  Keep your cas.properties file, then 
create a dev.properties file and a prod.properties file. Put the relevant 
settings for each tier in those, and keep the common stuff in the 
cas.properties file. Then activate the profile at runtime with 

Then manage the configuration files as you like with source control. 

Blog post that conceptually outlines the same strategy: 

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