Hi Jitendral, 

Thank you for your very detailled answer.

I will try to rephrase to make sure I understood well.

1. Open https://ui-domain.com/
2. Click on <Sign In> -> Redirect from https://ui-domain.com/ to 
https://cas-domain.com (credential input form)
3. On https://cas-domain.com type user credentials : Redirection from 
https://cas-domain.com to https://ui-domain.com (with Service Ticket)
4. Call from https://ui-domain.com/ to https://cas-domain.com to validate 
*ST* and provide callback for https://ui-domain.com/ and PGT URI for 
Get back a response with *PGTIOU*
5. Call from  https://ui-domain.com/ to https://services.com 
*PGTIOU* to get a *PGTID* (or redirect to https://cas-domain.com if not 

   - Here, I am a bit confused, are the PGT values in your example the same 
   or different values?
      - (4.) [...] <cas:proxyGrantingTicket>    
      - (5.) [...] get the pgtId using 
      "<cas:proxyGrantingTicket>PGTIOU-84678-8a9d... [...]
      - (5.) [...] "pgtId": 
6. Call from https://ui-domain.com/ to https://cas-domain.com with *PGTID* from 
(5.). Get back a *PT *on success or an error if invalid ticket.
7. Call from https://ui-domain.com/ to https://services.com 
 with *PT* from (6.)

   - Call from https://services.com 
    to https://cas-domain.com  with *PT* to check *PT* validity and get 
   username + *PGT* (will it be used?)
   - From here I can get additional informations about the user by querying 
   the CAS annuary.

8. Create a session or use JWT to allow API to know who is connected when 
the API is called by the UI.

Le mardi 5 mai 2020 18:23:40 UTC+2, Jitendra Patil a écrit :
> Hi Marc,
> <SERVICE-URL> is Spring API url. Please find below steps which can be 
> followed to secure APIs and make entire flow work.
> 1. Open/Load frontend Application
> https://ui-domain.com/
> Login: username / password
> 2. Click on a Sign-in and control will get redirected to CAS for 
> Authentication
> https://cas.domain.com/cas/login?service=https://ui-domain.com/verify
> 3. Enter Credentials and on a success the control will be redirected to 
> Front-end Application with a Service Ticket
> https://ui-domain.com/verify?ticket=ST-54-yYDr67UYlA5FX1yatA1-8fR-0pI-49f49b7e1211
> 4. Call CAS API to check the Service Ticket status with proxy callback Url
> https://cas.domain.com/cas/p3/serviceValidate?service=https://ui-domain.com/verify&ticket=ST-56-EenPWIje1NG-GcI3TjAxoDOpKlQ-49f49b7e1211&pgtUrl=https://services.com/proxy-callback
> - On Success, Cas returns pgtIou an xml format
> <cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'>
>     <cas:authenticationSuccess>
>         <cas:user>username</cas:user>
> <cas:proxyGrantingTicket>PGTIOU-3-64o7WGazmX-9r2lC2LTCo7mlNGh5xu07mBevm93vei-jhJWo8lsviL-aHRNcI-MHK04-49f49b7e1211</cas:proxyGrantingTicket>
>         <cas:attributes> // as of now we are not using below parameters so 
> we can ignore them
> <cas:credentialType>UsernamePasswordCredential</cas:credentialType>
>             <cas:isFromNewLogin>true</cas:isFromNewLogin>
> <cas:authenticationDate>2020-01-30T13:12:06.215Z[Etc/UTC]</cas:authenticationDate>
> <cas:authenticationMethod>LdapAuthenticationHandler</cas:authenticationMethod>
> <cas:successfulAuthenticationHandlers>LdapAuthenticationHandler</cas:successfulAuthenticationHandlers>
> <cas:longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed>false</cas:longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed>
>         </cas:attributes>
>     </cas:authenticationSuccess>
> </cas:serviceResponse>
> - On Failure
> <cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'>
>     <cas:authenticationFailure code="INVALID_TICKET">Ticket 
> &#39;ST-56-EenPWIje1NG-GcI3TjAxoDOpKlQ-49f49b7e1211&#39; not 
> recognized</cas:authenticationFailure>
> </cas:serviceResponse>
> - here API server receives a PgtIn & PgtOut ids in call-back api and in 
> next step UI should make a call to return PgtId with the help of 
> proxyGrantingTicket
> 5. Call Services API to get the pgtId using 
> "<cas:proxyGrantingTicket>PGTIOU-84678-8a9d...</cas:proxyGrantingTicket>"
> https://services.com/validate-pgt?pgtIou=PGT-32-RlLIQhAkXISAqouOO2qyoTCYkYkTQSmJQueUoZdjHiCVJLuF8Nvx6Yf6pDka-iFO5Fo-49f49b7e1211
> - On Success
> {
>     "pgtId": 
> "PGT-32-RlLIQhAkXISAqouOO2qyoTCYkYkTQSmJQueUoZdjHiCVJLuF8Nvx6Yf6pDka-iFO5Fo-49f49b7e1211"
> }
> - On Failure, redirect a user to CAS login page
> {
>     "timestamp": "2020-01-30T13:15:44.702+0000",
>     "status": 404,
>     "error": "Not Found",
>     "message": "pgtIou not found",
>     "path": "/validate-pgt"
> }
> 6. Call CAS API using pgtId to generate a Proxy Ticket
> https://cas.domain.com/cas/proxy?targetService=https://services.com/validate-proxy-ticket&pgt=PGT-32-RlLIQhAkXISAqouOO2qyoTCYkYkTQSmJQueUoZdjHiCVJLuF8Nvx6Yf6pDka-iFO5Fo-49f49b7e1211
> - On Success
> <cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'>
>     <cas:proxySuccess>
> <cas:proxyTicket>PT-57-XDtbTbI9GH3pVZr3qltelIE3kPk-49f49b7e1211</cas:proxyTicket>
>     </cas:proxySuccess>
> </cas:serviceResponse>
> - On Failure
> <cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'>
>     <cas:proxyFailure code="INVALID_TICKET">Ticket 
> &#39;PGT-2-RlLIQhAkXISAqouOO2qyoTCYkYkTQSmJQueUoZdjHiCVJLuF8Nvx6Yf6pDka-iFO5Fo-49f49b7e1211&#39;
> not recognized</cas:proxyFailure>
> </cas:serviceResponse>
> 7. Call Services API with proxy ticket 
> https://services.com/validate-proxy-ticket?ticket=PT-61-FJ59Dk-18aFyBc3BJw4Yp2Q5l70-49f49b7e1211
> - here you have to call a cas server to check the validity of a 
> proxy-ticket 
> https://cas.domain.com/cas/proxyValidate?service=https://ui-domain.com/verify&ticket=PT-61-FJ59Dk-18aFyBc3BJw4Yp2Q5l70-49f49b7e1211
> Response from CAS 
> <cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas="http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas";> 
>     <cas:authenticationSuccess>
>       <cas:user>username</cas:user>
> <cas:proxyGrantingTicket>PGTIOU-84678-8a9d...</cas:proxyGrantingTicket>
>       <cas:proxies>
>         <cas:proxy>https://proxy2/pgtUrl</cas:proxy>
>         <cas:proxy>https://proxy1/pgtUrl</cas:proxy>
>       </cas:proxies>
>     </cas:authenticationSuccess> 
>   </cas:serviceResponse>
> 8. Once 7th steps gets verified then you can go with cookies or JWT 
> mechanism OR follow the 6 & 7th steps to secure each and every api. choice 
> is yours.
> Thank you.

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