Sorry meant to include the exception that seems to drive this failure.

org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [org.bson.types.ObjectId] to type [long]


On 6/10/21 3:46 PM, Colin Ryan wrote:

I noticed when using the auto-loaded from .json service entries when enabling that the _id key in the documents when using MongoDB as the registry was of type <long>.

However as I've been working on integrations (i.e. provisioning tools etc etc) and I let MongoDB generate the _id they are of the type ObjectID (bson).

However with ObjectID my cas installation immediately pukes errors when doing it's periodic sweeping of the service registry.

Is this correct?

It seems to me that ObjectID is the Mongo standard, as well I've been using RestHeart as my RESTful interface to my MongoDB. It appears that when I try to use document paths to query the database i.e. mongo/cas/cas-service-registry/<_id>, that it doesn't work with Long _id's but does with ObjectID. So one tool seems to want to use the _apparent_ Mongo standard but CAS doesn't like it.

Am I missing something? Bug?


Colin Ryan

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