I have some more information after testing yesterday.

I thought it was specific to the logout sent from my app but it's not. If I 
go to cas/login I can see all my information. If I use the logout link 
there with no redirect, it logs out of cas. I

If I enter cas/logout with a service redirect url in the browser, it goes 
to a blank screen. If I press enter on the url again while on the blank 
screen - it works. The only difference I can see in debug is that it 
recognizes that there is no cas session to terminate and it continues on to 
the service redirect. The debug for the first entry appears to work 
correctly -- the only part that seems to be missing is the last line that 
indicates it redirected to the external url.

If I use the cas.logout.redirect-url= parameter, the logout link on the 
page doesn't work. It just goes to the blank page. I can tell that cas has 
been logged out. It definitely doesn't continue to the redirect url or 
correctly show the cas logout page.

I am using a delegated login. In testing today, I am planning to enable to 
regular login and see if logout works with that.


On Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 10:30:42 AM UTC-5 Dan S wrote:

> I am working on upgrading our CAS instance from 6.1 to 6.5. I have been 
> able to get everything working as expected except the logout redirect.
> I am using the parameter:
> cas.logout.follow-service-redirects=true
> I have tried using the parameter for a redirect and setting the global 
> redirect.
> If you enter the logout url directly in the browser, it correctly sends 
> back a 302 and the browser is redirected.
> If we have an app that sends the browser to the cas logout url, cas sends 
> back a 200 response with a blank screen.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Dan

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