Hi Trev

Alas I didn't found anything to simply convert structured data from JPA to JSON... It was too tedious and time consuming and I gave up... None of cues and hints was working.

The whole online documentation of CAS 5.x has been removed (i have never seen so many Google results issueing 404 errors... dunno why they don't remove links ?) , to enforce difficulty to find relevant informations, and I mess up working with partial remains in webarchives.

Instead I am going to replace my fine tuned granularity of service descriptions with one wildcard by domains name of internal applications, in JSON format, the only one that really has support from CAS Team and documented.

Doing this therefore, I will lost all level of details for each service : descriptions, logo and contacts, thas was before used in CAS and CAS management application...

High price to paid, just for CAS developpers team's taste to follow the fahsion for JSON and unilateral deprec    tion for JPA ...

So, to keep your CAS installation working is a question of chance : if you bet on the good techno that wil survive to annual elegation, you won... We bet on JPA and lost...

Good luck !

Le 10/06/2022 à 19:45, Trevor Fong a écrit :
Hi Francois,

Just wondering if you were able to resolve your situation and if so, how?  I'm also facing a similar thing.

Thanks a lot,

On Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 10:54:41 AM UTC-7 fjan...@gmail.com wrote:

    Thank you for the response.

    We actually use CAS Management application, and I will follow your

    We have a bunch of services  to migrate : 140+, with their own
    contacts, policies and release attriibute settings.

    I have tried the actuator end point /services from CAS Server ,
    wich export all services in one file, but  JSON format seems
    different from the import format used in CAS 6.4.

    i will try the management application way, with hopefully more

    Best regards


    Le 31/03/2022 à 17:35, 'Richard Frovarp' via CAS Community a écrit :
    The tables in the post are for the service registry. If you don't
    migrate those, you will have to reconfigure from scratch.

    I do not know what the plans are for the project with respect to
    the service registry. It's changed a bit between versions, and
    usually seems like a pain. We made the change in a previous
    upgrade to just drop JSON files on the filesystem and have CAS
    pick those up. It keeps us free of changes in the JPA method
    (which we had been using), and free from management app changes.
    In addition, we can keep service configuration in git, which is
    extremely nice.

    What I gather from that post is you are going to need to change
    the source code of RegisteredServicesReportController either
    changing that method, or adding that method. Looks like it is
    adding the method. Compile, put into your deployment (or download
    your DB and run locally), and then hit that point to get the
    exported JSON services. If you are running the management
    application in 5.3, I think you can export services as JSON as
    well, just by clicking a bunch of times and possibly doing copy
    and paste. Depending on your number of services, it might be
    simpler to just export via the management application, which I'm
    assuming that you are using. That would save you from editing
    code and having to deploy a new class file.


    On 3/31/22 09:32, Pablo Vidaurri wrote:
    There is no need to migrate the data. These tables are for
    various type of tickets. Worst case when you cut over to v6.4
    your users will have to login again.


    On Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 9:43:58 AM UTC-5
    fjan...@gmail.com wrote:


        I need to migrate JPA service registry  from Apereo CAS 
        5.2.2 to 6.4,
        but in this last version , data structures seem to have been
        replaced by
        just one table with flat JSON field in a column : no more
        structure, or I missed something.
        Has anyone here observe the same ?
        If the JPA migration is not possible, does it mean I have to
        use JSON in
        any way ?

        The best hit had met my searches till now is this page :

        But its content is pretty elliptic and I don't see where to
        apply the
        snippet showed in it :  I have an installation based on
        there is no  java file named
        RegisteredServicesReportController to

        In short my purpose is as follow : migration services from
        JPA to JSON

        Does anyone faced the same issue ?

        Thanks a lot for any clue.

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