
I am unsure if this related to Pac4j Azure Ad redirect issue 
<https://groups.google.com/a/apereo.org/g/cas-user/c/xXYmX2f7rg0> or even 
if its a a CAS issue, but I thought I would start here.

I patched the above issue locally to prevent the tenant from going missing 
so that I could continure on testing bit hit another error in 

When using the "cas.authn.pac4j.oidc[0].azure" it fails with the following 

Token response: status=401, 
content={"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"AADSTS7000218: The 
request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_assertion' or 
'client_secret'.\r\nTrace ID: 
2de9a836-b6a8-4ce9-bca2-a88862983800\r\nCorrelation ID: 
9ad131b2-ba04-4e51-be8d-e7f99f7a8ab9\r\nTimestamp: 2023-02-20 

If I can over to "cas.authn.pac4j.oidc[0].generic" remove the 
"cas.authn.pac4j.oidc[0].azure.tenant" as that is azure specific and 
correct set the discoverUri to what it should be and get the following,

Token response: status=200, <CONTENT REMOVED>


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