
If you are using Cas 5, upgrade, then check if the problem still happens.


On Mon, 2023-02-20 at 03:04 -0800, 'Iago Alonso Alonso' via CAS Community wrote:
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I am working on a project that uses Apereo CAS 5.x.x to handle user 
authentication and users can activate MFA. When logging in, the user can use 
their Active Directory credentials or log in via Google OAuth (which it is 
supported as shown in the 
 Unfortunately, we have found that when the user logs in via Google OAuth, the 
MFA flow is broken.

If the user logs in with the AD credentials and tries to activate MFA, the 
operation works as expected. The user gets the page to activate MFA and after 
that the user is sent to the page to copy the codes, finish binding the 
authenticator application and is shown the success message at the end.

But if the user logs in with their Google account, the user is able to go to 
the initial page of the MFA activation process and when the Activate button is 
clicked, the user is stuck in that view.

Researching how Apereo CAS works in their 
 I have discovered that the process gets stuck here as in the browser the URL 
looks like that:

[enter image description here]<https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZaUVY.png>

Also, in the application logs I have observed that when the AD credentials are 
used CAS says:

Bypass rules determined MFA should execute for user [XXXXX] for provider 

But if the Google credentials are used CAS says:

Bypass rules determined MFA should NOT execute for user [XXXXX] for provider 

And because of that, CAS issues a new session ticket:

Finalizing authentication transactions and issuing ticket-granting ticket 
Finalizing authentication event... Creating ticket-granting ticket, potentially 
based on [********************************************************] Located 
ticket-granting ticket in the context. Retrieving associated authentication 
Resulting authentication is different from the context Attempting to issue anew 
ticket-granting ticket...

I guess the crux of the matter is in this sentence:

Resulting authentication is different from the context

Because the application does the redirection as how it should be done with 
something like:


As it is explained here in the 
 with the third example.

What is being done wrong? I am quite lost and have not been able to make any 

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