
Without looking at the code, this may be treated as an 'or'. That is, user does 
not have allow [ false ] but also does not have reject [ ! false ].
You may be able to use a groovy condition (described on the same page) or a 
custom solution,

Could the same attribute used for allow and deny be an issue (unless those 
attribute name are examples).


On Fri, 2024-02-16 at 17:06 -1000, Baron Fujimoto wrote:
Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email 
system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.

I'm trying to create a CAS service access strategy that achieves the following:

- require an attribute to have a specific "allow" value

and yet also

- deny if  an attribute as a specific "deny" value

i.e., both conditions must be met for successful AuthN.

I have been using the following documentation as a reference guide:


I believe that documentation's section on rejected attributes provides an 
example that conceptually implements our desired outcome.

I have been successful if I try to implement only one of the conditions. I.e., 
both of these work as expected:

Required ABAC attribute value:

  "accessStrategy" : {
    "@class" : "",
    "requiredAttributes" : {
    "@class" : "java.util.HashMap",
      "ABAC_Attribute" : [ "java.util.HashSet", [ "required_allow_value" ] ]

Deny if ABAC attribute value:

  "accessStrategy" : {
    "@class" : "",
    "rejectedAttributes" : {
      "@class" : "java.util.HashMap",
      "ABAC_Attribute" : [ "java.util.HashSet", [ "rejected_deny_value" ] ]

ABAC_Attribute in our case is a multivalued attribute that can take arbitrary 
values, including those used above.

However, once they are combined as suggested based by the ABAC documentation's 
rejected attributes example as so:

  "accessStrategy" : {
    "@class" : "",
    "requiredAttributes" : {
    "@class" : "java.util.HashMap",
      "ABAC_Attribute" : [ "java.util.HashSet", [ "required_allow_value" ] ]
    "rejectedAttributes" : {
      "@class" : "java.util.HashMap",
      "ABAC_Attribute" : [ "java.util.HashSet", [ "rejected_deny_value" ] ]

Then CAS still lets the AuthN succeed even if 
ABAC_Attribute==required_allow_value is not satisfied.

Does anyone know what I might be missing or misunderstanding here? How do I 
achieve our desired effect?

Baron Fujimoto <<>> ::: UH Information 
Technology Services
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