
The doExecute method gets the RequestContext 
 which has a number of maps. At least one of them should have an object(s) that 
represents the successful login (hopefully it will be mutable).
You could then redirect to the login page (the initial URL will also be in one 
of the maps).


P.S. Note: if you are logging the contents of the request context maps, some of 
them will have the user's credentials
P.P.S here is a method to format the flow (AbstractCasWebflowConfigurer has a 
getLoginFlow method):

* Formats a spring webflow flow to help determine how to modify a flow.
* Adds new lines and indents to make it easier to read.
* @param input flow.toString()
* @return nicely formatted flow
public String formatFlow(final String input) {
//LOGGER.debug("input: ." + input + ".");
// used to add an extra indent for an object's field members
java.util.Stack<java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry> stack = new 
int currPosition = 0;
String indent = "";
String indentor = "\t";
String newLine = "\n";
// object identifier
java.util.regex.Pattern objPattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\w+@\\w+)\\b.*");

String in = input.trim();
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
while (in.length() > currPosition) {
java.util.regex.Matcher m = objPattern.matcher(in.substring(currPosition));
String firstTwo = "";
// capture first two characters to match against ']' or '],'
if (1 < in.length() - currPosition) {
firstTwo = in.substring(currPosition, currPosition + 2);
} else {
// at end of input
firstTwo = in.substring(currPosition, currPosition + 1);
if (in.startsWith("[", currPosition)) {
indent += indentor;
if (!stack.empty()) {
java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer> se = stack.pop();
se.setValue(se.getValue() + 1);
} else if (firstTwo.startsWith("]")) {
if (!stack.empty()) {
java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer> se = stack.pop();
if (1 > se.getValue()) {
// outdent after printing member variables
indent = indent.replaceFirst(indentor, "");
if (!stack.empty()) {
// this ] closes from outer object
java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer> seOuter = stack.pop();
seOuter.setValue(seOuter.getValue() - 1);
} else {
se.setValue(se.getValue() - 1);
indent = indent.replaceFirst(indentor, "");
if ("],".equals(firstTwo)) {
} else if (m.matches()) {
String obj = m.group(1);
indent = indent + indentor;
// prepare for members
stack.push(new java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer>(obj, 0));
currPosition += obj.length();
} else {
int nextOpenBracket = in.indexOf("[", currPosition);
int nextCloseBracket = in.indexOf("]", currPosition);
int nextComma = in.indexOf(",", currPosition);
int nextMark = 0;
boolean increaseIndent = false;
// if [ or , not found, push beyond last position which would be ]
if (0 > nextOpenBracket) {
nextOpenBracket = in.length();
if (0 > nextComma) {
nextComma = in.length();
// add 1 when [ and , since they should remain on same line and ] should be on 
next line
if (nextCloseBracket > nextOpenBracket) {
if (nextOpenBracket > nextComma) {
nextMark = nextComma + 1;
} else {
nextMark = nextOpenBracket + 1;
// bypass empty and null
if ((in.substring(nextMark).startsWith("[empty]]"))
|| (in.substring(nextMark).startsWith("null]"))) {
if (in.substring(nextMark).startsWith("[empty]],")) {
nextMark += 9;
} else if (in.substring(nextMark).startsWith("[empty]]")) {
nextMark += 8;
} else if (in.substring(nextMark).startsWith("null],")) {
nextMark += 6;
} else if (in.substring(nextMark).startsWith("null]")) {
nextMark += 5;
} else {
// indent members
increaseIndent = true;
if (!stack.empty()) {
java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer> se = stack.pop();
se.setValue(se.getValue() + 1);
} else if (nextCloseBracket > nextComma) {
nextMark = nextComma + 1;
} else {
nextMark = nextCloseBracket;
String s = in.substring(currPosition, nextMark).trim();
if (0 < s.length()) {
currPosition = nextMark;
if (increaseIndent) {
// for next line
indent = indent + indentor;
String formatted = out.toString().trim();
//LOGGER.debug("formatted: ." + formatted + ".");

return formatted;

On Wed, 2024-02-21 at 13:04 -0800, Yan Zhou wrote:
Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email 
system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.


CAS 6.6.x with MFA.   After I correctly enter user credentials, I will be asked 
for a code, if that fails, CAS shows casMfaDeniedView.

The following CAS code (if user enters incorrect code) simply takes user back 
to MFA login page, so that user can retry. I would not want users to have 
unlimited retry, so I want to extend the flow, adding a button that takes user 
back to login page, clearing credentials already established during the initial 
login flow.

But, MFA flow and Login flow are two different flows, i have trouble to 
implement this correctly.  How do you do this?


            val realSubmitState = createActionState(flow, 

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