Does the spectrometer tutorial work with the 14 bit Red Pitaya board as 
well? The tutorial mentions the 10 bit board, but I am using the 14 bit 
board version. 

Also, going through the spectrometer tutorial with the 14 bit board, I get 
the following message at the terminal when executing the python command. 
Can someone help me with what might be the issue here? 

Connecting to Red Pitaya: rp-F07516.local
Uploading: tut_spec.fpg
These are the devices in your design ...
['acc_cnt', 'acc_len', 'accum0_snap_ss_bram', 'accum0_snap_ss_ctrl', 
'accum0_snap_ss_status', 'accum1_snap_ss_bram', 'accum1_snap_ss_ctrl', 
'accum1_snap_ss_status', 'accumdat_snap_ss_bram', 'accumdat_snap_ss_ctrl', 
'accumdat_snap_ss_status', 'adc_dv', 'adc_sample_cnt', 
'adc_voltage_snap_ss_bram', 'adc_voltage_snap_ss_ctrl', 
'adc_voltage_snap_ss_status', 'fft_sync_inc0', 'fft_sync_inc1', 
'reg_cntrl', 'snap_gap', 'sync_cnt', 'sync_reg', 'sys_block', 
'sys_board_id', 'sys_clkcounter', 'sys_rev', 'sys_rev_rcs', 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 38, in <module>['data']
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/casperfpga/", line 
227, in read
    rawdata, rawtime = self.read_raw(**kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/casperfpga/", line 
333, in read_raw
    bram_dmp['length'] / (self.width_bits / 8)))
RuntimeError: accum0_snap_ss.read_uint() - expected 16384 bytes, got 32

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