
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:59 PM, Ian Holsman <> wrote:
> There are several large data sets on the net you could use to build. Demo
> with.
> Search logs, wikipedia, uk govt stuff
> Dbpedia may be interesting as they have some of the stuff extracted out
> ---
> Sent from my phone
> Ian Holsman - 703 879-3128
> On 13/03/2010, at 4:46 PM, Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Krishna Sankar <>
>> wrote:
>>> I was looking at this from CASSANDRA-873 as well as hands-on homework (!)
>>> for my OSCON tutorial. Have couple of questions. Would appreciate
>>> insights:
>>> A)  Cassandra-873 suggests Luenandra as one demo application
>>> B)  Are there other ideas that will bring out the various aspects of
>>> Cassandra ?
>> multi-user blog (single-user is too easy :)
>> - extra credit: with full-text search using lucandra
>> discussion forum
>> - also w/ FTS
>>> C)  What would be the goal of demo apps ? Tutorial to help folks learn
>>> the
>>> ins and outs of Cassandra ? Show case capabilities ? I think
>>> Cassandra-873
>>> belongs to the latter; Twissandra most probably belongs to the former.
>> I think you nailed it.
>>> D)  Hadoop on Cassandra might be a good demo/tutorial
>> Sure, I'll buy that.
>> I can't think of any standalone projects for that, but "compute a
>> twissandra tag cloud" would be pretty cool.  (Might need to write a
>> twissandra bot to load stuff in to make an interesting cloud. :)
>>> E)  How would one structure the infrastructure for the demo/tutorials ?
>>> What
>>> assumptions can we make in creating them ? As AMIs to be run in EC2 ?
>> I'd probably go with "virtualbox images" as being simpler for people
>> who don't have an AWS key already.  (VB can read vmware player images,
>> i think.  But there is no free vmware for OS X, so you'd want to check
>> that before going w/ vmware format.)
>> Or just have people d/l cassandra and a configuration xml.  Probably
>> easier than teaching people to use virtualbox who haven't before.
>>> Also
>>> to be run on 2-3 local machines for folks who can spare some ? Or as
>>> multiple processes - all in one machine ?
>> You're not going to have time to teach cluster management.  Keep it to 1.

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