things positive for solr.
- mature and stable
- lots of documentation
- a swiss army knife and can be used for a LOT of things, especially if you are 
manipulating a lot of text.
- the query language is easier to use (imho.. but i've been using solr for 
years, so I am biased)
- lots of people know it
- fast caching
- faceting

cons for solr.
- hard to update a single field (you need to fetch & re-insert the entire row)
- commits/optimizes can slow things down to a crawl
- can't store structured data easily. (for example a blog post has tags which 
have both a key and a value).
- scalability isn't as easy as cassandra. sharding works, but it requires a lot 
of manual effort
- it's easy to get started and get something running, but if you need to do 
something out of the ordinary, it gets hard fast. I think cassandra is more 
flexible to do ordinary things that don't involve text-matching.
- replication isn't instant. (this is changing.. also look at zoie which may 

of course, if you tell us what your trying to do, I can be more specific.
FWIW.. we use SOLR for some of our news-content (see and and it works fast enough for us. 
We have a incoming doc rate of about 8-10 news articles/second.

On Jan 8, 2010, at 5:43 AM, Nathan McCall wrote:

> Agreed that there is not much to go on here in the original question.
> I will say that we very recently found a good fit with Solr and
> Cassandra in how we deal with a very heavy write volume of news
> article data. Cassandra is excellent with write throughput and high
> availability, but our search use cases are with time-dependent news
> content, so we need lots of term proximity, faceting and ordering
> functionality.
> We probably could store everything in Solr, but the above approach
> will allow us to make articles immediately available in a
> fault-tolerant manner while being able to efficiently send batches at
> regular intervals to Solr and therefore scale out our ingestion of
> news articles a little smoother. Full disclosure: I am still getting
> my head around the innards of Solr replication and clustering, but so
> far I feel like we made a good choice.
> Hopefully the above will be helpful to folks during their evaluations.
> Cheers,
> -Nate
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Joseph Bowman <> 
> wrote:
>> I have to agree with Tatu. If you're struggling to find reasons to validate
>> that Cassandra is the better choice for your task than Solr, then perhaps
>> Solr is the correct choice. I kind of went through the same thing recently,
>> struggled to make Cassandra fit what I was doing, then realized I was doing
>> it wrong and moved to MongoDB.
>> Cassandra is great at what it tries to accomplish, which is managing
>> gigantic datasets in a distributed way. The question is, is that really what
>> you need?
>> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Tatu Saloranta <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Richard Grossman <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> This message is little different than support.
>>>> I'm confronted to problem where people want to change Cassandra with
>>>> Solr
>>>> server. I really think that our problem is a great case for cassandra
>>>> but I
>>>> need more arguments.
>>>> So please if you've some time just put some idea why to use cassandra
>>>> instead solr.
>>> Solution is generally applicable to a problem... so what is the (main) use
>>> case?
>>> That would make it easier to find arguments for or against proposed
>>> solution.
>>> -+ Tatu +-

Ian Holsman

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