It's correct, if understood correctly.  We should probably just remove
it since it's confusing as written.

What it means is, if a write for a given row is acked, eventually,
_all_ the data updated _in that row_ will be available for reads.  So
no, it's not atomic at the batch_mutate level but at the
list<ColumnOrSuperColumn> level.


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Ran Tavory <> wrote:
> The front page states that "Cassandra
> guarantees reads and writes to be atomic within a single ColumnFamily."
> What exactly does that mean, and where can I learn more about this?
> It sounds like it means that batch_insert() and batch_mutate() for two
> different rows but in the same CF is atomic. Is this correct?

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