
  I had to add a few more nodes to my cluster yesterday so far 2 of the 3
have "finished" bootstrapping (at least as far as I can tell, the show up
via a ring command in the UP state, the 3rd does not show up at all in the
ring command).  I'm curious when the 3rd will finish, so was wondering if
there is any way to gauge this.

>From what I can tell on some nodes I have a stream directory which has
4 files in it, and running tpstats against that node shows the STREAM-STATE
pool with 1 active and 3 pending, so I'm assuminge this means those 4
files are being streamed from the machine somewhere.  However, I don't
see any corresponding files on the bootstrapping machine, so I can't
be sure they are going there.  I do see some commit log activity on
the bootstrapping machine (ie, the file is growing slowly).  So do all
bootstrapped entries flow through the commit log?  If not where is the
data streamed too?



Anthony Molinaro                           <antho...@alumni.caltech.edu>

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