You could make a case that there should be a ConsistencyLevel.DEFAULT
but there is not.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Masood Mortazavi
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Masood Mortazavi
>> <> wrote:
>> > Is there a configuration and step-by-step *procedure* for production
>> > deployments of Cassandra?
>> Not really.  As w/ any cluster deployment, some basic sysadmin kung fu
>> is required, and we don't go into that (although I suppose maybe we
>> should).
>> For the Cassandra side you should read
>> > By the way, I've noticed that not all potentially configurable setting
>> > may
>> > actually be included in the -- storage-config.xml -- that's distributed
>> > with
>> > the releases.
>> I think we've exposed all the useful ones now. :)
>> > [For example, there seems to be some default setting for R
>> > (number of necessary reads, in the W+R ? N formula a la Dynamo paper),
>> > and
>> > it is not clear to me how to over-rie it in config.xml.]
>> If there is, it's dead code.  R and W in the Dynamo paper become
>> ConsistencyLevel in thrift requests.
>> (
> I realize that ConsistencyLevel has replaced R and W.
> However, is there a way to set this in the storage-config.xml?
> Shouldn't it be possible to set it there?
> - m.

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