On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Anthony Molinaro
<antho...@alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
> What about the case where cpu and ram are underutilized, and your bottleneck
> is disk io (which seems to often be the case in ec2), then adding more
> spindles improves overall throughput of the system.  I've actually tested
> this when adding an additional ebs, and hand moving files around, then
> restarting.  Suddenly node's performance (measued via cfstats metrics),
> get better

That sounds like you're actually ram-limited, so adding nodes will be
better than adding EBS devices.

> How do
> the files ever get that big, does a repair fully compact (ie, down
> to one file)?  I guess the question is how do you end up with the
> "worst" case?

Any major compaction will do that.  Repair will invoke one, or it can
happen "naturally" too.

> I guess Raid0 is the only way to use multiple disks efficiently and
> the multiple DataFileDirectories is really not very useful?  I'm
> trying to think of a good reason you might want multiple data directories
> and all I can't think of one now, is there a good reason?

If you are throughput-bound instead of size-bound (which is the case
for most uses, especially on non-virtual hardware), then I would
expect better performance from JBOD.


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