On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 4:13 PM,  <jeremey.barr...@nokia.com> wrote:
> I'm exploring data layouts and it seems like the common practice is to store 
> an index in one CF (e.g. userid for row key and thingid for column name) and 
> then to fetch all the things by their thingids separately... so get index, 
> and then get each key in the index.
> If a thing changes relatively infrequently but gets read often, seems like it 
> would be more performant (especially with writes being very fast) to just 
> stuff whole objects into indexes rather than simply ids. A "whole object" 
> could be a JSON object or a serialized class or who knows what.

Yes.  This is one place supercolumns can be very useful, since it
allows doing this w/o nasty hacks like you mention. :)


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