>> 1. Please give notes the replication strategy of Cassandra is selected.
> Can you be more specific?

Does each replication strategy of "Rack Unaware" "Rack Aware(within a
datacenter)" "Datacenter Aware" in Cassandra depend by the algorithm
adopted respectively?

For instance, what is the strategy recommended when Zookeeper is
adopted?A minimum speed of the line in the data center is anxious,

>> 2. About the Zab protocol adopted with Zookeeper. The weak point of
>> the Paxos protocol of Chubby is a delay. Is the Zab protocol more
>> excellent than this Paxos protocol?
> Facebook did some internal work on using ZK for replication strategy
> but that was not part of the open source release that became Apache
> Cassandra.  (And we'd rather keep Cassandra completely distributed, so
> no big deal. :)

ok :)

  Kazuki Aranami

 Twitter: http://twitter.com/kimtea

2010/3/13 Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Kauzki Aranami
> <kazuki.aran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1. Please give notes the replication strategy of Cassandra is selected.
> Can you be more specific?
>> 2. About the Zab protocol adopted with Zookeeper. The weak point of
>> the Paxos protocol of Chubby is a delay. Is the Zab protocol more
>> excellent than this Paxos protocol?
> Facebook did some internal work on using ZK for replication strategy
> but that was not part of the open source release that became Apache
> Cassandra.  (And we'd rather keep Cassandra completely distributed, so
> no big deal. :)
> -Jonathan

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