I apologize I worded my first message improperly. D should have no
of the Entities A, B or C. In my object there is no Property for
linking back to
any one of the other entities. So it is a one sided HasMany with no
related BelongsTo.
I suppose an Any tag would work well in this situation but I'm not
sure how to configure
it or if it even works with a HasMany on the other side of the
relation. Assuming that
my domains A, B, and C never have conflicting integer primary keys,
this shouldn't be
an issue correct?

On May 27, 10:56 am, Markus Zywitza <markus.zywi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You have A, B and C pointing to D: Ergo, D has an implicit many-to-one
> to A, B and C, which is hidden in AR due to the unidirectional
> relation. Now you want that D only has one many-to-one connection,
> which will direct to A, B or C. This seems impossible: How should AR
> know from an integer to which of the classes A, B or C it belongs? If
> you use Identity, the same key might be used in A, B and C, leaving AR
> clueless of what to load.
> You need three FK columns in D if A, B and C are not related. If they
> belong to the same base class, you can define the HasMany there, but
> with unrelated classes your scenario is impossible.
> -Markus
> 2009/5/27 Hexedit <jasonsz...@gmail.com>:
> > I have three unique entity classes that each have a collection of a
> > fourth entity via the HasMany attribute. The mappings should be one-to-
> > many unidirectional relationships from entities A, B, and C to entity
> > D. Each HasMany attribute references the same table and the same
> > column for the foreign key. Since the referenced column is an integer
> > it should not matter that it could be pointing to objects from 3
> > tables. The problem is that the generation tool non-deterministically
> > picks one of the first three entities and creates a foreign key
> > relationship from the reference column in the 4th entity table to the
> > entity that owns that relation. Is there any way for me to override
> > this behavior and make it so that the Many side of the HasMany
> > relationship doesn't foreign key back to the first table?
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