I am unable to get on the fly compilation working correctly for boo.
The Reflection.Emit issue has been solved on the boo trunk. Plus Mosso
just allowed reflection.emit anyway. However, boo's CompilerParameters
makes use of Assembly.Location. The medium trust environment doesn't
allow FiIeIOPermission outside of the site's root dir.

So, I need to precompile brail, preferably with a nant task. Ayende
says it is possible but I can't figure out how!

#1) I am trying to generate the assemblies using

public class CompileBrail : Task
        protected override void ExecuteTask()
                BooViewEngineOptions options = ConfigurationManager.GetSection
("brail") as BooViewEngineOptions;
                StandaloneBooViewEngine engine = new StandaloneBooViewEngine(new
FileAssemblyViewSourceLoader("Views"), options);
                engine.Process("home/index", TextWriter.Null, new Hashtable());

However the engine whines that objects like siteRoot are missing, I
guess because there's nothing in the propertybag. Also, I don't want
to have to supply all the view names in the build process. It should
just scan the view directory and do it.

#2) I also tried turning off trust, hitting all the pages then turning
it back on. However, after looking at the code I don't think this will
work either as the engine won't check SaveDirectory when it starts

I am fine with working on a patch, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't
missing anything first!
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