Hey all - I'm trying to determine how to make Windsor resolve a
specific implementation based on run-time state.  Nothing in the core
API is jumping out at me and I'm not sure which of the many
extensibility points I should pursue.

Does anyone have any advice on how to make these three tests pass?

    public class Fixture
        [Row(typeof(OneProcessor), Mode.One)]
        [Row(typeof(TwoProcessor), Mode.Two)]
        [Row(typeof(ThreeProcessor), Mode.Three)]
        public void Can_Resolve_Processor_By_Mode(Type type, Mode
            IWindsorContainer factory = new WindsorContainer();
            factory.AddComponent<IProcessor, OneProcessor>("1");
            factory.AddComponent<IProcessor, TwoProcessor>("2");
            factory.AddComponent<IProcessor, ThreeProcessor>("3");

            IDictionary dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>
{{"mode", mode}};

            Controller controller = factory.Resolve<Controller>

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(type, controller.Processor, "The
processor didn't resolve to the expected type");
            Assert.AreEqual(mode, controller.Mode, "The mode was not
injected into the controller as expected");

        public enum Mode

        public class Controller
            private readonly IProcessor _processor;
            private readonly Mode _mode;

            public Controller(Mode mode, IProcessor processor)
                _mode = mode;
                _processor = processor;

            public IProcessor Processor { get { return _processor; } }

            public Mode Mode { get { return _mode; } }

        public interface IProcessor { }

        public class OneProcessor : IProcessor {}

        public class TwoProcessor : IProcessor {}

        public class ThreeProcessor : IProcessor { }

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