
Firstly I wanted to report my thoughts in http://issues.castleproject.org/ 
as a bug description, but the page doesn't work - it only redirects to 
github 'castle-youtrack-export' page, so need to discuss the issue here.

I use some different types of, let say, 'ViewModels', where all of 
ViewModel-types use some services but with different implementations. The 
natural way of implement this is register all available services 
implementations and resolve them per ViewModel instance

I believe that the unit test below describes my idea and expectation. 
Please run the test - it fails.

    public sealed class BoundedLifestyleTests
        class ViewModel
            public IService[] Services { get; set; }

        public interface IService { }
        class NeutralStrategy : IService { }
        class SpecializedStrategy : IService { }

        /// <summary>
        /// I have some IService implementations, where the are either are 
neutral (could be used in any context)
        /// or are specialized (should be resolved only in ViewModel).
        /// I would like to implement that requirement with 
LifestyleBoundTo which looks promising.
        /// </summary>
        public void Test()
            var container = new WindsorContainer();
CollectionResolver(container.Kernel, true));


            // ViewModel has neutral and specialized strategies resolved.
            var viewModel = container.Resolve<ViewModel>();
            Assert.That(viewModel.Services.Select(o => o.GetType()), 
Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { typeof(NeutralStrategy), 
typeof(SpecializedStrategy) }));

            // Outside of a graph bound to ViewModel, we still should be 
able to resolve neutral strategy.
            var neutralStrategies = container.ResolveAll<IService>();
            Assert.That(neutralStrategies.Select(o => o.GetType()), 
Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { typeof(NeutralStrategy) }));



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