After creating a ChannelFactory you can call a member method 
CreateChannelWithActAsToken (3 overloaded methods), with this method it is 
possible to act on an security token. The token was retrieved from a STS 

How can we do that using wcf facilities?

I see in the AbstractChannelBuilder class following code:
protected virtual ChannelCreator CreateChannelCreator(Type contract, M 
clientModel, IChannelBuilderScope scope, params object[] channelFactoryArgs)
var type = typeof(ChannelFactory<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { contract });
var channelFactory = ChannelFactoryBuilder.CreateChannelFactory(type, 
clientModel, channelFactoryArgs);

var methodInfo = type.GetMethod("CreateChannel", Type.EmptyTypes);
return (ChannelCreator)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(ChannelCreator), 
channelFactory, methodInfo);

The type ChannelCreator is a delegate that returns a object. How can I use 
here CreateChannelWithActAsToken and supply an extra parameter, nl. 

Also I need a mix for creating a channel, some channels should be created 
with the CreatedChannel() method, other with the 
CreateChannelWithActAsToken(aSecurityToken) method.

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