I'm working on a site that is an ASP.net webforms site and I have my 
service code in App_Code. When editing the XML in windsor.config and then 
saving the file, my code works. However, if I make a change to that class 
file and save then I get this error

    [ConverterException: Could not convert from 
__Code]], __Code' to System.Type.]
PerformConversion(String value, Type targetType) +335

If I then save the windsor.config file again, the error goes away.
So, basically if I change a class in App_Code forcing a recompile, I have 
to resave the windsor.config file again for it to work.

I'd like to be able to recompile without having to re-save the 
windsor.config file. Has anyone seen this before and have a solution 
without having me add another assembly? I want to keep the code in App_Code

Here is my XML

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <component id="MyComponent" 
__Code]], __Code" type="MyClassRepository, __Code" />

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