It appears your error is displaying while you are in the designer not a
runtime error, so it is likely not everything has been set up correctly in
your application because the entry point hasn't been invoked.

Usually you don't want code outside the view controls running in the
designer, and would use WPF's GetIsInDesignMode to detect this (

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 2:16 PM Javanie Campbell <>

> <>
> using Castle.Core;
> using Castle.Facilities.TypedFactory;
> using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
> using Castle.Windsor;
> using LMS.Infrastructure;
> using LMS.Infrastructure.Interop.Network;
> using MvvmFramework;
> using QLMS.ViewModels;
> using QLMS.ViewModels.Handlers;
> using QLMS.Views.DesignTime;
> using QLMS.Views.Infrastructure;
> using System;
> using System.Collections.Generic;
> using System.Linq;
> using System.Reflection;
> using System.Text;
> using System.Threading.Tasks;
> namespace QLMS.Views
> {
>     public class Bootstrapper : BootstrapperBase
>     {
>         private WindsorContainer container;
>         protected override IEnumerable<Assembly> SelectAssemblies()
>         {
>             return new[] { typeof(MainViewModel).Assembly };
>         }
>         protected override void ConfigureForRunTime()
>         {
>             container = new WindsorContainer();
>             container.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new 
> AppSettingsConvention());
>             container.AddFacility<TypedFactoryFacility>();
>             container.Register(
>                  Component.For<ICheckInternetConnectivity>()
>                 .ImplementedBy<CheckInternetConnectivity>(),
>                  Component.For<IEventAggregator>()
>                 .ImplementedBy<EventAggregator>().LifestyleSingleton(),
>                  //Component.For<ShellViewModel>().LifestyleSingleton(),
>                 Component.For<NotificationsViewModel>().LifestyleSingleton(),
>                  Classes
>                 .FromAssembly(typeof(MainViewModel).Assembly)
>                 .BasedOn(typeof(IHandle<>))
>                 .Configure(x => x.LifeStyle.Is(LifestyleType.Singleton)),
>                 //.WithServiceAllInterfaces()
>                 //.LifestyleSingleton()
> Classes.FromAssembly(typeof(ViewModel).Assembly).InSameNamespaceAs<ViewModel>().WithServiceDefaultInterfaces()
>                 );
>             RegisteViewModels();
>             RegisterRoutes();
>         }
>         protected override void ConfigureForDesignTime()
>         {
>             container = new WindsorContainer();
>             container.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new 
> AppSettingsConvention());
>             container.Register(
>                   Component.For<ICheckInternetConnectivity>()
>                 .ImplementedBy<DesignTimeCheckInternetConnectivity>(),
>                 Component.For<IEventAggregator>()
>                 .ImplementedBy<EventAggregator>().LifestyleSingleton(),
>                 //Component.For<ShellViewModel>().LifestyleSingleton(),
>                  Component.For<NotificationsViewModel>().LifestyleSingleton(),
>                 Classes
>                 .FromAssembly(typeof(RouteToViewHandler).Assembly)
>                 .BasedOn(typeof(IHandle<>))
>                 .Configure(x => x.LifeStyle.Is(LifestyleType.Singleton))
> //Classes.FromAssembly(typeof(ViewModel).Assembly).InSameNamespaceAs<ViewModel>().WithServiceDefaultInterfaces(),
>                 //AllTypes.
>                 );
>             RegisteViewModels();
>             RegisterRoutes();
>             container.AddFacility<TypedFactoryFacility>();
>         }
>         protected override object GetInstance(Type service, string key)
>         {
>             return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)
>                   ? container.Resolve(service)
>                   : container.Resolve(key, service);
>         }
>         private void RegisteViewModels()
>         {
> container.Register(Classes.FromAssembly(typeof(ShellViewModel).Assembly)
>                 .Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith("ViewModel")
>                 && !x.Name.Equals(nameof(NotificationsViewModel))
>                 && !x.Name.Equals(nameof(ShellViewModel))
>                 )
>                 //.WithServiceDefaultInterfaces()
>                 .Configure(x => x.LifeStyle.Is(LifestyleType.Transient)));
> container.Register(Component.For<ShellViewModel>().LifestyleSingleton());
>         }
>         private void RegisterRoutes()
>         {
>             var routes = container.ResolveAll(typeof(IHandle));
>             var aggregator = container.Resolve<IEventAggregator>();
>             foreach (var route in routes)
>             {
>                 aggregator.Subscribe(route);
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> My ViewModels are located in different Assemblies with the respective
> handlers unfortunate the dependencies are throwing an error that I can seem
> to resolve when I debug it the references are resolved but the window keeps
> showing up blank.
> I have limited knowledge on using this IOC however I would love it if I
> can be assisted in resolving the issue by looking over my code and help me
> see what I have done or not?
> --
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