On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <ja...@jacobian.org> wrote:
> OK I just bought both. If the PSF wants them, I'll transfer them.
> Otherwise I'll sit on 'em for a year and then let 'em expire.

Heh, I just did the same thing for "pythonhosted.org". (borrowing the
name from Fedora, where the main site is all under fedoraproject.org,
while fedorahosted.org is their project hosting service. We're only
talking about docs hosting, rather than full project hosting, but it's
the same general idea).

Personally, what I would love to see happen is:

Near term: packages.python.org becomes a CNAME to another top-level
site (obviously, my suggestion is "pythonhosted.org", since I just
bought that for a year in order to be to mention it without worrying
about whether or not it would remain available)

Slightly longer term: the pythonhosted.org (or whatever) naming scheme
includes subdomains (e.g. six.pythonhosted.org, in addition to

Even longer term: PyPI offers the option to set up a project's
pythonhosted subdomain as a ReadTheDocs reference (using the existing
subdomain delegation feature of RTFD)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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