On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Jannis Leidel <jan...@leidel.info> wrote:
> On 10.02.2013, at 05:44, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Giovanni Bajo <ra...@develer.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> my proposal for fixing PyPI and pip security is here:
>>> https://docs.google.com/a/develer.com/document/d/1DgQdDCZY5LiTY5mvfxVVE4MTWiaqIGccK3QCUI8np4k/edit#
>>> I tried to sum up the discussions we had here last week, elaborating on 
>>> Heimes' proposal by simplifying it where I thought the additional steps 
>>> wouldn't guarantee additional security. At this point, the proposal does 
>>> not include a central, uber-master online GPG signing key to be stored on 
>>> PyPI, which is IMO quite hard to handle correctly.
>> I think the parts related to improving the HTTPS/SSL based security
>> are solid, but for the other aspects of secure updates, integrating
>> TUF (https://www.updateframework.com/) into the PyPI based
>> distribution infrastructure sounds like the best available option for
>> enhancing the end-to-end integrity checking. TUF has a comparatively
>> well-developed threat model, and systematically covers many of the
>> attack vectors discussed in the past few day (including provision of
>> old, known vulnerable, versions).
> Would you mind explaining why TUF is good?

The main benefit in my mind is that it isn't a from-scratch design of
a secure update infrastructure. Instead, it's a project that was
started in order to resolve some security holes found in Tor's already
robust automatic update mechanism, then proceeded from there into
updates to yum, yast, apt, etc (i.e. the distro update mechanisms that
are vetted by the security teams of the various Linux vendors). The
fact Geremy Condra is involved in TUF also counts for a lot with me
(as I suspect it would for many people that have heard Geremy talk
about security issues in Python).

However, the design itself also seems sensible, and is able to provide
its security guarantees even if you're *not* using SSL certs to
protect the in-flight traffic (thus meaning that the SSL
infrastructure in the near term will become a matter of providing
defence-in-depth, rather than being a required part of the security

I trust our collective ability to make TUF sufficiently easy to use as
part of Python's packaging infrastructure a *lot* more than I trust
our collective ability to come up with a from-scratch distribution
scheme that is both usable *and* secure.

> The site doesn't seem to work for me right now.

D'oh, looks like their domain wasn't set to auto-renew :(


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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