On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 8:13 AM, James Carpenter <nawk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do you have a module/function/line number in easy_install I should use?
> I'm sure I can dig it out myself but it sounds like you might just be able
> to put your finger on it in only a minute or two.
> Same question for a pre-existing utility function for reading a
> requirements file. I'm guessing there is one burried down in the PIP code,
> but I haven't looked yet.
> A third more interesting question, is whether there is any way to
> determine the origin of an installed package. I am building up a build-info
> to push into Artifactory and it takes a "type" if available when listing
> dependencies of a build. In Java/Maven land a typical type would be jar,
> war, pom, etc. My current understanding is this is a non-sense question,
> since once a Python module is installed it looks the same regardless of
> whether it came from an sdist, wheel, etc.

The closest equivalent is PEP 376's "INSTALLER" file, but that only tells
you which installer was used to add the distribution, rather than where
that installer retrieved it from. An "ORIGIN" entry in the installation
database could be an interesting future addition.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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