Kevin Monceaux wrote:
> Since I'm asking for such features I certainly should put my money where my
> mouth is.  I'm willing to help in any way I can.  Unfortunately at my
> current skill level I doubt I could be of much help.  I'm very new to
> Catalyst.  I tinkered with perl years ago but not a great deal.  Catalyst
> has rekindled my interest in perl.  So, what can someone with my limited
> skills do to help?

Test. Make suggestions. Write docs.

All the best introductory docs to anything I've ever seen were written by 
newbies who wrote out the things they wished had been documented when they 
started while the memories were still fresh.

      Matt S Trout       Offering custom development, consultancy and support
   Technical Director    contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  mst (at) for more information

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