damn. I was looking at GWT this morning and thinking a bit the same.
But we will likely end up writing js/css/html by hand.

any tips, shortcuts, experiences would be interesting to read though.

On 9/9/06, Matthieu Codron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I routinely develop Catalyst stuff for my own purposes and I find out
> that I am spending much more time actually working on the client side
> stuff ( HTML, CSS and Javascript ) than on the server side.
> Have some of you the same feeling? Ever since playing with Ajax stuff, I
> have the firm impression that while I now have a decent framework on the
> server side, the client side is now where I spend most of my development
> time ... Can (or will) Catalyst encompass some client-side aspects? I
> have been using HTML::Prototype but I have not found any added value. As
> for javascript frameworks, I use Prototype and script.aculo.us. I have
> considered Dojo but the documentation is kind of lacking ...
> I seek therefore your advice, because I want to develop mostly Perl
> stuff and not spend days writing (unmaintaineable) Javascript. To me
> Google's approach (in GWT) with the Java to Javascript seems like a one
> (somewhat elegant) way to handle this ...
> What do you think?
> --
> Matthieu
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Daniel McBrearty
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