On Tue, 2006-11-07 at 13:31 -0800, Andrew Peebles wrote:
> Want to run apache on "bare" machine inside DMZ.
> Want to run MyApp on second machine, outside the DMZ.
> Will use FastCgiExternalServer to accomplish this.
> MyApp's static content is on second machine, not visible on apache 
> machine's file systems.
> Seems Catalyst::Plugin::Static is the only solution.  Am trying to get 
> that to work and anticipate success ... however, is there something I am 
> missing?  Is there another way to do this?

If performance is what you're concerned about, you should either find a
way to get the static content onto the apache machine (rsync, NFS) or
use mod_cache to cache it, avoiding trips to the other machine for the
static stuff.

- Perrin

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