Hi Ian

We seem to be on the same lines. We already have an app that allows
translators to work online and so on - it's crap, but we learnt some
useful stuff, and the next (cat based) one will be way better. I'll
drop you a line off-list when I can and we'll discuss it further.


On 11/15/06, Ian Docherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We are still at an early stage in terms of learning how to provide i18n
and I produced this module as much as a 'proof of concept' as anything else.

I would be very interested in discussing what you have been doing but it
may be best to move the discussion out of this forum unless it is
specific about Catalyst. Do you, or anyone else interested in this
discussion, want to reply to me directly?

As you say, the plugin to get information from the database is easy.
What is difficult is the way that the data in the schema is maintained
and updated and how translation is managed etc. I presume that this is
what you are referring to.

I anticipate creating a mini-app that will allow a translator to make
changes to the database code and view the result immediately in the

Ian C. Docherty (ICD)

Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. We also have translated text
> stored in the db, and have evolved a schema to cope with that. We are
> not using the cat->i18n plugin at the moment though - we wrote our own
> to use our schema.
> At some point though we'd like to share some of the stuff that we've
> learned and use the communal code where possible.
> I'd be interested to see the schema and see how it compares with what
> we are doing. This was the area that I found trickiest - the plugin to
> grap stuff out of the schema is realatively easy.

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Daniel McBrearty
email : danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
BTW : 0873928131

List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
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