A global is something that is in the global namespace. A singleton
isn't, any more than other class is. You have to import the class to
which it belongs to use it.

Noone mentioned making the *stream* a singleton. I'd expect to find
teh *stream* at OS level. It's just that an audio *player* is a better
example of something that you might want to be assured that there can
only be one *instance* of.

Until someone actually presents a solid reason why you should *never*
have a class which can only have a single instance, the argument is
going nowhere, as far as I can see.

(apologies for polluting the list with this rather OT stuff ...)

On 11/17/06, Adam Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 17/11/2006, at 4:37 PM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

> On Thursday 16 November 2006 20:08, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
>> A singleton is nothing but a global variable, except the
>> identifier comes from the class namespace rather than the
>> variable namespace. Put it in a global variable already.
> Not entirely true.  Try this:
> $global = "Oops, accidentally overwrote the instance with garbage.";
> vs.
> Singleton->get_instance() = "Oops, accidentally overwrote the
> instance.";

Not really, because ...

     use Readonly;

     Readonly my $global => "Warming";

     print "Before => $global\n\n";

     eval {
         $global = "Oops, accidentally overwrote the instance with
     if ($@) { print "Error (would have died if uneval'd) => [EMAIL 

     print "After => $global\n";

produces ...

     Before => Warming

     Error (would have died if uneval'd) => Modification of a read-
only value attempted at t.pl line 8

     After => Warming

No matter what my prime minister says.

Adam Clarke

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Daniel McBrearty
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www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
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