On Fri, Dec 22, 2006 at 01:47:08PM -0800, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> >Just learn and use Linux :) (Oops did I say that out loud?)
> I use Linux for running the created application, but not for developing it.
> I need to develop it under Windows, because Linux is a very poor operating 
> system, good for running servers, but not very good as a desktop.
> I am blind, and the accessibility of Linux GUIS are very poor, the screen 
> readers that work under Linux cannot compare with those that run under 
> Windows.
> I think the fact that the perl programs need to be ported to other 
> operating system sometimes with a pretty big effort, make it a less and 
> less popular language. Maybe perl6 will solve this, but I hope to live 
> until then. :-)
> >Happy Holidays everyone!
> Thank you and I wish you the same.
> Happy holidays!
> Octavian

As far as I can tell, the main issue under Windows would be concurrency.

There is a POE engine, which can work as a single threaded solution.

Other than that, what's wrong with using Windows to talk to Linux ?
If your screen reading applications are so awesome, then use them through
putty to be able to access a linux shell !

You can also fairly well develop under windows if you choose. Samba works,
you know. You can access a Linux filesystem from Windows without any trouble
at all (and there are VNC clients and servers under linux as well)

I'm not blind, but I work all the time on Unix machines from a windows
station, at work, without any trouble at all.

I believe you will have to invest some time into figuring things out,
but I don't think the barrier is all that great, with a little ingenuity.

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