On 8 Jan 2007, at 18:30, Will Smith wrote:

I install the module through CPAN. Still not sure I get the compiling error if the Math::BigInt included in the main controller. Do you know any other module that can do conversion from integer to binary in Catalyst?

MyApp.pm is not a controller, it's the application class. You should *NOT* have any actions in this class.

See Joel's e-mail pointing out the mistake you've almost certainly made loading the module.

There's nothing wrong with Math::BigInt - you're just loading it wrong. I'd suggest getting a copy of Programming Perl to read through or revisiting the perl man pages for more info.

Matt S Trout, Technical Director, Shadowcat Systems Ltd.
Offering custom development, consultancy and support contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact mst (at) shadowcatsystems.co.uk for details. + Help us build a better perl ORM: http://dbix- class.shadowcatsystems.co.uk/ +

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