Long story longer, I wrote my own Auth store. While I could auth users,
it would in no way shape or form save itself to a session even though
Session was loaded, there was a for_session() sub and the user object
supports sessions. One week it worked. This week it didn't. After
tearing my hair out and some convo w/jayk, I finally realized the problem.

Last week, I actually had an authentication section in my .yml file.
This week I don't because I moved to my custom store which needs no
config. According to the Auth pod:

> use_session
>     Whether or not to store the user's logged in state in the session, if the 
> application is also using the Catalyst::Plugin::Session plugin. This value is 
> set to true per default.

So, it should work, but doesn't. After looking at the code, this jumped
out at me:

> sub setup {
>     my $c = shift;
>     my $cfg = $c->config->{authentication} || {};
>     %$cfg = (
>         use_session => 1,
>         %$cfg,
>     );
>     $c->register_auth_stores(
>         default => $cfg->{store},
>         %{ $cfg->{stores} || {} },
>     );
>     $c->NEXT::setup(@_);
> }

If there is no authentication config section, an anon hash is created,
and the use_session is set....but never saved back into catalyst config.

Granted, it's rare that one would have no authentication section in
config (unless they write their own), so leave it up to my to find the
edge case. :-)


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