On 1/31/07, Victor Igumnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To see the impact of the memory leak.

Run broken.pl first which will run formbuilder against your installed version.
It will create a new formbuilder instance over and over, watch top -o size as 
it grows to 100-200 megs in just a few seconds.

Now run fixed.pl  - works great don't it? No memory leaks what so ever.

I have also included a CatTest catalyst project which uses C::C::FormBuilder. 
With everything patched up the process stays at ~14 megs while being hammered 
by ab -n 900 -c 100 http://localhost:3000/.

So the question is am I the only one using formbuilder? This leak was very 

All tests pass for both projects.



Thank you Victor for pointing out the memory leak. I've attached your
diff files here to make it easier on folks.

After looking at it, I think your patch is just a workaround for the
circular references in CGI::FormBuilder and fixing these problems
directly instead of cloning references is a better approach.  I have
submitted a bug report to Nate at
http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=24696 and he has already
said he would look into it.


Attachment: memfix-for-c-c-formbuilder.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: memleakfix-for-cgi-formbuilder.diff
Description: Binary data

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