On 2/9/07, Jeffrey Ng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > here's the result on a live server:
> >
> >              total       used       free     shared    buffers
> > Mem:       4150972    2654016    1496956          0
 27548    1313344
> > -/+ buffers/cache:    1313124    2837848
> > Swap:      8385912       6920    8378992
hi how can you tell our apache is just using 1.3 GB? what king of files does
the rest of it cache?...

Look at the second line of output from free (or free -m, for
megabytes).  It's telling you that you're only using 1313124 bytes for
applications, and the rest is buffers and  cache.

For more info on buffers and cache, try googling it:

The first hit looks pretty good:

can we run devel::DProf with mod_perl catatlyst? or do we have to use

Apache::DProf should work, but I think people often profile catalyst
apps on the test server using Devel::DProf.  There's probably
something on the catalyst site about this if you search for it.

- Perrin

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