I use dreamhost as an easy way to get wikis/svn/other goodies running.
Svn with web access is especially nice, still haven't figured out how
to install this on my "real" server (at linode).

However, for actual catalyst websites, I have a virtual server at
linode.com, where I have a root account for less than $20/month.

However, I think you will get people telling you that it is possible,
they do it all the time for their clients, etc. So maybe I'm just an
install wuss.

But... my experience was definitely better with a virtual root server.


On 2/14/07, Jim Spath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would stay away from Dreamhost personally.  Regardless of what they
happen to support, I've had numerous performance + uptime issues with them.

You might look into slicehost.  It's a little more expensive, but you
essentially get your own machine (via Xen VPS), allowing you install and
run whatever you want on it.

- Jim

Toby Corkindale wrote:
> Toby Corkindale wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> was chatting to someone about hosting a low-traffic Catalyst site, and
>> the subject of Dreamhost came up - they (apparently) offer
>> particularly cheap virtual servers (about £5/month), and judging by
>> their website, you receive a shell and can compile your own apps,
>> including it says, CGI apps.
>> I was wondering how appropriate it would be for running a
>> database-backed Catalyst app though. There is support for persistent
>> MySQL databases (i don't know about PostgreSQL), but I don't know
>> about mod_perl or fastcgi apps.
> Edit: No support for mod_perl, nor PostgreSQL.
> However, there IS support for FastCGI.

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