On Mar 18, 2007, at 12:02 PM, Matthieu Codron wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for the best strategy to mix a traditional Catalyst web app and SOAP web services.

I just would like to quickly expose some actions as web services. However, I just could not find a Catalyst-ic way to do that (found Catalyst::Plugin::Server but I'm not sure how to use that one).

For now, I seems that I will need to operate a separate application (using Apache::SOAP for example) for enabling web services.

As for the "Why SOAP?" question, I'm trying to communicate with a .Net client application. Since accessing a Web Service in .Net is a point-and-click operation, it was a no-brainer ... until I saw the serverside problems, that is :)

Any ideas?

SOAP is a fairly complex protocol, all things considered. (Where we are comparing to to XML-RPC and a simple REST service.) At the moment, I think your two best bets for doing Web Services in Catalyst are:

Catalyst::Plugin::Server - A very nice XMLRPC implementation
Catalyst::Controller::REST - For doing REST based web services

I have no real experience in .Net, so I can't say how easy it would be to use an XMLRPC service from .Net. I can't imagine it would be that hard.

Certainly, calling a REST service from .Net should be trivial, since you are using HTTP as the "protocol", you really only have to be able to send arbitrarily formed requests to the server. Assuming you have a serializer that matches, things should be easy from there.

If you're feeling like contributing, I'm sure the Catalyst::Plugin::Server code would love a SOAP layer.


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