I have a version of Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema where I hacked in some code 
to automatically look at the query string and perform some limits and sorting.  
Basically if it sees a something like:


It will automatically create a new resultset object with the correct limits.  
It can also do (very unoptimized) searches with something like

...?[table].search=[text to search in the table]

I'm adding in the ability to set a start and end range, as well with something 


I was wondering if the community thinks this could be useful, or if it would be 
more useful in some other state.  I know that this kind of resultset limiting 
is something I do all the time and I assume it's the case for others.

Right now I have this integrated with my Schema classes, as I mentioned above, 
but I am not sure it's the best thing to do.  Although it will DWIM when I do 
$c->Model('table') it doesn't help me if that resultset has one to many 
relationships that also need to be limited.  So I have this also as a DBIC 
component in order to handle this for me.

I was thinking perhaps we'd prefer to have this as a separate model that you'd 
pass a resultset and a $c->request to to get the limited resultset, instead of 
so much magic:

my $fullrs = $c->Model('Table');
$c->forward($c->Model('LimitResultSet'), [$fullrs, $c->request]);

## Now $fullrs has been limited as described above

I was thinking to use $c->forward because I tend to use forward when I am 
implementing a command or pipeline style design pattern, but this could also 
easily be:

my $fullrs = $c->Model('Table');

my $pagedrs = $c->Model('LimitResultSet')->build($fullrs, $c->request)

Or something similar If people preferred:

Then again maybe it would just be better to keep it as a raw DBIC component:

my $pagedrs = $fullrs->search_by_query($c->request);

This would have the benefit of working reasonally well will people using CGI.pm 
outside of Catalyst.  This is sort of what I am doing now, I have a component 
and my hacked Catalyst model calls it to save myself a bit of trouble.  The only

Any thoughts?

BTW, one thing that is making this hard for me to make cross database is that 
in the full text search Postgres requires ILIKE to make the search case 
insensitive, unlike ever other database.  Right now in my DBIC code I do:

        foreach my $keyword ( split(/\s/, $value) ) 
            my @keywords = split(',', $keyword);
            push @array, [
                -or => [ {$column => {'ILIKE' => [ map { '%'.$_.'%' } @keywords 
]} } ],

to build the correct data structure for searching.  Does anyone out there know 
if there is a neat cross database way to do this, or do I need to explicitly 
check for Postgres and use ILIKE instead of like?


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