On Fri, 27 Apr 2007, Jason Gottshall wrote:

I tried eliminating Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema in favor of having my
true business Models do all the interfacing with DBIC. No problem with
those Models, but I did discover an unintended consequence:
Catalyst::Plugin::<whatever>::DBIC stuff stopped working!

Well, that shouldn't be a surprise ;)

It was specifically the storage components for Authentication and
Session that choked. I couldn't figure out how to give either of them
the connection info they needed; they both expect to be configured with
the name of a schema/table class that is then used, via
C::M::DBIC::Schema, to get a resultset.

In a project I'm working on, I'm converting an existing site to use Catalyst. At least 50% of the app's code is in the models, which use Alzabo. I wasn't really interested in tightly integrating my model with Catalyst, as I don't see the benefit, so I've written some small shim plugins as needed. Mostly, they just get the database handle out of the Alzabo model code (sessions), or they use the model to find a user (authentication).

I think it's to Catalyst's credit that this was really pretty easy. I never would try to use Catalyst for this project if it also meant rewriting my models, since that's where all the really complex code for the app lives, and rewriting it is out the question (at least for now).


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