On May 10, 2007, at 5:56 AM, Kazuma Shiraiwa wrote:


Wrong Content-Length value: 4387 at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Catalyst.pm line 1584

I worried because of this error.
I was using Catalyst::Engine::CGI.
(Xeon2.6GHz CentOS4.4-x86_64-smp Perl5.8.8-x86_64-linux)

in Catalyst::Engine::CGI
sub read_chunk { shift; shift; *STDIN->sysread(@_); }

I think that "*STDIN->read" is better.
(Because "sysread" has what doesn't return the expected value.)
So I wrote this patch.
Wrong Content-Length value error did not occur when this patch was applied.
Please use this patch when it is good.

What web server are you using? Did it happen on every POST? Was the POST body truncated?

Both sysread and read should return the same values, and I think we need to stick with sysread here.

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