On Sat, 19 May 2007, Daniel Hulme wrote:

On Sat, May 19, 2007 at 12:24:07PM +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
all you need. F.ex., it would be dumb to run sshd on a port other
than 22, hoping that no one finds it. But if you keep track of

Not really. I run sshd on my home box on a non-default port, because I
was fed up of worms running their dictionaries of uname/password combos
against it, eating my bandwidth and driving my loadavg up the wall. I
keep the box up to date, and my password is non-trivial, so it's not my
only defence, but it makes life easier for me.

Check out fail2ban. It can be configured to block an IP with firewall rules after it fails to login via SSH a few times. I've installed it on my systems and it reports banning various IPs semi-frequently, which makes me happy since in the past they would've been trying their entire dictionary.


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