On 5/22/07, mla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If I may ask, Perrin, what do you use?

I have a large system that was started back when Class::DBI was a hot
new thing.  It still uses CDBI and hasn't really had a good reason to
change, since we use a lot of custom SQL and that's pretty easy to do
with CDBI (and performs well).  For new projects, I'm trying
Rose::DB::Object.  I had good success using the query builder from
RDBO on its own for one project.  A lot of the database work I do
doesn't go through any ORM because it involves complex reporting.

There are some good features in the other ones too.  Tangram is a
pretty amazing accomplishment.  DBIx::Class abstracts some things that
the others don't, making it more flexible.  RDBO seems to suit me best
at the moment though.

- Perrin

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