On May 24, 2007, at 1:01 AM, Jon Schutz wrote:

Hi Andy,

On Thu, 2007-05-24 at 00:35 -0400, Andy Grundman wrote:
On May 24, 2007, at 12:03 AM, Jon Schutz wrote:

I am using Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::POE in a test harness; when the
complete, I would like to gracefully terminate all child processes
C::E::HTTP::POE starts.

My code forks and starts C::E::HTTP::POE, then later my cleanup code
kills the forked child, but extra processes (grandchildren) created by
C::E::HTTP::POE get left behind.

Are you using preforking?  When you kill the parent it should take
out all the children, maybe there is a bug.

No, I hadn't set CATALYST_POE_MAX_PROC as I'm happy with forking on-
demand in this app.  However, I just tried it now, and it made no

The POE engine does not fork at all unless you have set this variable, so I'm confused how you are getting child processes without it? There is no fork-on-demand in the POE engine, that's only a feature of the default HTTP engine.

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